Role and Purview of the Office of Sponsored Projects

Role and Purview of the Office of Sponsored Projects

Role: Review and Approval

The Office of Sponsored Projects (“OSP”) reviews proposed international research, programs or activities involving sponsored research.  OSP assists in the appropriate documentation of any research collaboration and makes appropriate referrals to the appropriate university Internal Review Board (“IRB”) or to the  for research involving human subjects or to the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (“IACUC”) for research involving animals.  OSP also provides guidance and support for meeting export control requirements and consults on travel restricted by the U.S. government, other than travel to Cuba which the Office of the Senior Vice President and General Counsel (“OGC”) reviews. If the proposed international research, program or activity requires the support of multiple university offices, OSP may refer the proposed international research, program or activity to the IOCC for support. The OIA may also refer the proposed international research, program or activity to the IRPAP Committee for consultation, review or approval.
