Brazil Student Profiles

Undergraduate Students

Current Yale undergraduates have unique perspectives on transitioning from Brazil to Yale. 

Carlos Torres

Carlos is a member of the Yale College class of 2025. He shares his experience as part of the Yale Summer Program in Brazil.

Hannah Neves

Hannah is a member of the Yale College class of 2023. She shares her experience as a Brazilian undergraduate student at Yale in the video below.

Watch Hannah’s video in Portuguese here.

Murilo Dorion

Murilo Dorion, Yale College Class of 2024, who is from São Paulo, shares why he chose Yale, his interest in the sciences, and his experiences so far.

Watch Murilo’s video in Portuguese here.

Learn more about Yale’s Brazil Club here.

Graduate Students

Learn about research being competed by current graduate students at Yale. 

Lissandra Amorim Santos

Lissandra Amorim Santos is a visiting PhD student at the Yale School of Public Health. In this video, she describes her journey from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) to Yale and discusses her research on women’s vulnerability to food insecurity.

Georgiana Esteves

Georgiana Esteves is a second-year MPH student at Yale’s School of Public Health. In the video below, she discusses why she chose Yale and her experiences at the Yale School of Public Health.

Graziela Reis

Graziela Reis is the coordinator of the Yale Program for Recovery and Community Health (PRCH). She is also involved in PUB-New Haven, an organization that supports Brazilian students at  Yale, particularly in the sciences. In this video, Graziela talks about her experience at Yale and the various ways in which she  has been supporting the Brazilian community.


Rafael Dai Pra da Luz

Rafael Dai Pra da Luz, PhD Student in Physiology at Yale, describes the Yale-CAPES Graduate Scholars program application process and his experiences at Yale. 

Leonardo Serrano Fuchs

Leonardo Serrano Fuchs ’21 from the Yale School of Architecture describes a new collaborative exhibit “Reframing Brazil” and his student experiences at Yale. 

Ivo Cruz 

Former Fulbright FLTA from Brazil, Ivo Cruz, describes his experience teaching Portuguese at Yale and how the experience has helped his professional and personal development.

Caroline Souza 

Caroline Souza describes her experience as a 2021-22 Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant at Yale’s MacMillan Center, as well as her work in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese.

Watch Caroline’s video in Portuguese here.   

Lucas Finamor

Yale PhD student Lucas Finamor talks about his research on labor market data and topics related to Brazil.

Mariana Nigro

Mariana Nigro manages the Yale-Proxima Mentorship Program that was launched last year with a mission to inspire and advance the career of young Brazilian scientists. Here Mariana talks about the program that has its second round of applications open until November 15.

Watch Mariana’s video in Portuguese here

Mariana Ritter Rau

Mariana Ritter Rau is a Yale-Proxima 2021 Scholar and a current Master’s student in Science Education at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). In this video, she talks about her work with young scientists in the teaching and popularization of science. Additionally, she discusses her experience with the Yale-Proxima Mentoring Program.

Watch Mariana’s video in Portuguese here.

Raquel Silva

Raquel Silva ‘19 received her MA in Global Affairs from the Jackson Institute at Yale. In this video, she describes her experiences at Yale and post-graduation.

Patricia Ishigai

Yale School of Management (SOM) alumna Patricia Ishigai ’20 describes her experience at SOM and FGV in Brazil as part of the M2M degree program.

Pamela Da Silva

Pamela Da Silva ’14 SOM speaks about her experiences after Yale School of Management and co-founding her company, Hub55, to support Brazilian companies and educational institutions, including Yale University. The company is based in New Haven and Brazil.

Watch Pamela’s video in Portuguese here.

Learn more about Hub55 here (ENG) or here (POR).

Daniel Heringer

Daniel Heringer speaks about his experience as a sub-intern at Yale’s Department of Psychiatry.

Watch Daniel’s video in Portuguese here.

Thais Vianna

Thais Vianna talks about her experience as part of the Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant (FLTA) program.

Watch Thais’ video in Portuguese here.

Bruno Caserta

Bruno Caserta, an industrial engineering student participating in the Yale Visiting International Students Program (Y-VISP), talks about his experience at Yale as part of this program.

Watch Bruno’s video in Portuguese here.

Laura Araújo

Laura Araújo talks about her experience as part of the Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant (FLTA) program, through which she teaches Portuguese to undergraduates at Yale.

Watch Laura’s video in Portuguese here.

Yale Young Global Scholars

There are many ways that students from Brazil can engage with Yale’s resources and classes. Maria Clara dos Santos, Anna Júlia Schwarz, Laura Moreira, and Maria Julia Castro all attended Yale Young Global Scholars, a program that brings high acheiving students from all over the world to Yale’s campus for the summer. Learn about their experiences below.

Maria Clara dos Santos

Maria Clara dos Santos, a Yale Young Global Scholars alumna, speaks about her experience and offers tips for Brazilian students interested in applying to the program. 

Anna Júlia Schwarz

Anna Júlia Schwarz participated in the Yale Young Global Scholars of 2020. In the video below, she discusses the YYGS application process and her summer experience.

Laura Moreira

Laura Moreira participated in Yale Young Global Scholars in 2019. During her summer with YYGS, Laura took the course “Sustainable Development and Social Entrepreneurship” where she developed her interest in the education of Latin American communities.

Maria Julia Castro

Maria Julia Castro participated in Yale Young Global Scholars in 2019. Since then, she has developed her passion for education, advocacy, politics, and gender equity through social projects in her community.

Sofia Trecenti

Sofia Trecenti, 2020 Young Global Scholars (YYGS) alumna, offers insights about the application process and speaks about her experience in the program.

Watch Sofia’s video in Portuguese here.


Learn more about Yale Young Global Scholars an Yale and Brazil here.


Thais Vianna

Thais Vianna talks about her experience as part of the Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant (FLTA) program.

Watch Thais’ video in Portuguese here.