International Visitor Guidlines

International Visitor Guidlines

Yale is a destination for visiting scientists, scholars, researchers and employees from foreign academic institutions, industry, and governmental bodies. Yale strongly encourages an open environment for the free exchange of ideas in academia and beyond. We also recognize that we need to comply with existing US Federal laws and regulations when hosting international visitors.

Who is an “International Visitor?”

These are foreign nationals who may be researchers, scientists, graduate students, or professionals in the U.S. on visas who are not Yale employees (paid visiting faculty qualify as employees) or enrolled as international students at Yale. Before you invite an “International Visitor” to Yale, please ensure that you as the faculty or staff host and if necessary your sponsoring department or school have followed due process established by Yale to comply with Federal laws. If a department supplements the financial support that is provided to a “International Visitor,” they may have to be classified as an employee for legal purposes thereby requiring a different process.

The following categories are exempt from this classification.

  • US Permanent residents, Refugees or Political Asylee
  • Foreign nationals visiting Yale for a limited purpose such as attending a conference, giving a talk, participating in an event and/or interview, and participating on a panel including a thesis committee.
  • Spouses, partners, and dependent children of faculty, staff and students who can access certain University facilities under a sponsored ID card.
  • Prospective student groups
  • Other individuals whose access to University property is covered by a separate written agreement or policy such as a visiting scientist or clinician agreement or a professional or consultant performing duties under an approved contract.
  • Unpaid volunteers or interns. Different protocols apply
  • International delegations of high-ranking individuals with the capacity to officially represent another institution or group. Different protocols apply
  • Other individuals whose access to University property is covered by a separate written agreement or policy such as a partnership and consortium agreement. Different protocols will apply as defined by the agreement.

So, I am inviting an “International Visitor” who is not exempt– where do I begin?

Start with this questionnaire.