Yale’s partnerships and program in Brazil
Yale faculty and students throughout the university are involved in many partnerships and collaborations with researchers and institutions in Brazil. Highlights include:
The University of São Paulo (USP)
The University of São Paulo is one of Latin America’s largest and most prestigious research institutions. Yale and USP have a longstanding connection, providing a bridge for research collaboration across the continent. This strong relationship is fueled by mutual faculty visits and research programs. Students from both institutions have opportunities to investigate research fields ranging from public health to global affairs, through programs including the Fox International Fellowships and the CAPES-Yale BBS program. Such programs offer funding to enable USP and Yale students to pursue graduate study uninhibited by financial restrictions.
Yale’s Biological and Biomedical Sciences (BBS) has a strong partnership with the Brazilian Federal Agency for Support and Evaluation of Graduate Education (CAPES). The CAPES-Yale Graduate Scholars Program trains the most promising Brazilian students and prepares them to become international leaders in academia and industry. Students are jointly funded by CAPES and Yale and are eligible to join any BBS Track. They participate in all regular BBS academic activities and additionally participate in specialized professional development programs exclusively for them. There are currently 11 Yale-CAPES scholars as part of the BBS program at Yale.
Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV)
There are several different FGV schools that have strong connections at Yale. The Yale School of Management’s Global Network for Advanced Management (GNAM) member school in Brazil is FGV Escola de Administração de Empresas de São Paulo Brazil. The Council on Latin American & Iberian Studies (CLAIS) has established a strong partnership with the FGV Rio de Janeiro as well as the FGV Rio de Janeiro Law School. FGV Rio de Janeiro and its Law School and CLAIS have collaborated on several initiatives, including a conference on Brazilian Studies in the United States in 2018 with the Ministry of Education. The high-profile conference resulted in a conference proceedings that brought together key individuals in Brazilian Studies from throughout the United States as well as prominent individuals from FGV. FGV Rio de Janeiro and CLAIS in collaboration with the Yale School of Public Health are also partnering on an upcoming conference related to public health and medicine, which has been rescheduled and is now slated to be held on April 2021.
Global Health Justice Partnership
Students in the Global Health Justice Partnership (GHJP), a joint initiative between Yale Law School and Yale School of Public Health, participate in collaborative research with Brazilian project partners. For example, in 2016, students traveled to Rio de Janeiro to meet with three Brazilian partners and other local organizations to discuss current research and activism on the intersections between reproductive rights and the Zika epidemic in Brazil. Project partners in Brazil include the Instituto Nacional de Saúde da Mulher, da Criança e do Adolescente Fernandes Figueira (IFF/Fiocruz), Ipas, and Promundo.
Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz) Collaboration
Yale and the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (also known as Fiocruz) collaborate on short-term public health courses taught by Yale and Fiocruz faculty in the city of Salvador, Bahia. These courses have focused on epidemic research to address public health problems. In addition, more than twenty Yale students, including three Fulbright fellows, have participated in Fiocruz public health research and educational programs. Fiocruz researchers have participated in numerous collaborations with the Yale School of Public Health, and two professors were recently awarded funding from the Gates Foundation on disease outbreaks in Salvador, Brazil.
Yale Partnerships for Global Health
Yale Partnerships for Global Health aims to reduce the burden of disease and improve health around the world by educating, training, and supporting the careers of biomedical and public health researchers. Launched in 2006 by Yale School of Medicine professors in collaboration with colleagues in Ghana, the initiative has expanded to include medical trainees and research collaborators from universities in Brazil, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, China, Australia, Canada, and Jamaica. Beginning in 2009, the Jorge Paulo Lemann Foundation has sponsored trainees from the Universidade de São Paulo-Ribeirão Preto (USP-RP) to participate in the program. Each trainee is assigned to a senior Yale faculty mentor during an intensive 8-week summer research experience that is tailored to the student’s interests and career goals. Professors Michael Cappello and Elijah Paintsil at Yale and Professor Benedito Antonio Lopes da Fonseca at USP lead this partnership and program.
Yale faculty and students throughout the university are involved in programs and collaborations with researchers and institutions in Brazil. Highlights include:
Yale-CAPES Seminars in Biomedical Sciences
Yale-CAPES Seminars in Biomedical Sciences is an annual symposium in Porto Alegre that brings international researchers to Brazil, where they interact with and inspire Brazil’s next generation of aspiring scientists. In partnership with the Brazilian Federal Agency for Support and Evaluation of Graduate Education (CAPES) and Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), the aim of these seminars is to empower a new generation of scientists to pursue their scientific interests and encourage students to think globally about their current and future research. Read more about the program.
Yale Law School Latin American Linkage Program
The Linkage program in Brazil is a collaborative effort with the Universidade de São Paulo, FGV Direito in São Paulo and in Rio de Janeiro, and the Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. The main goals of the program are improving the participants’ understanding of the relationship between law and democratic values in the United States and Latin America and creating opportunities for promising law students to develop relationships with their peers in the other countries. Participants are hosted by students of our partner schools in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro and Yale in turn hosts the students selected from those schools when they visit Yale at the beginning of our spring semester. Read more about the program.
Seminario en Latinoamérica de Teoría Constitucional y Política (SELA)
The Seminario en Latinoamérica de Teoría Constitucional y Política—the Seminar in Latin America on Constitutional and Political Theory, or SELA, as it has come to be known by its Spanish acronym—is an annual academic gathering which brings together scholars from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Jamaica, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Spain, and the United States. Each year, participants discuss a selection of papers written for the seminar that reflect a set of themes determined by the faculty directors and representatives from partnering universities. The papers are distributed and read before the meeting so that the seminar is reserved for in-depth discussion and debate of the papers which, after which authors are given the chance to make modifications, are published in a Spanish-language book. Read more about the program.
Fox International Fellowship
The Fox International Fellowship is a graduate student exchange program between Yale and 20 academic partners around the world with the goal of enhancing mutual understanding by promoting international scholarly exchanges and collaborations among the next generation of leaders. To accomplish this goal, the program seeks to identify and nurture those students who are interested in harnessing scholarly knowledge to respond to the world’s most pressing challenges. For these reasons, we especially welcome students enrolled in the social sciences and kindred disciplines in the professional schools. Yale University jointly pursues these aims with 20 of the world’s leading universities in Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, the Middle East, and the Americas. There are more than 600 alumni in the extensive Fox Fellowship network. The Fox Exchange Partner in Brazil is University of São Paulo. Read more about the program.
The Maurice R. Greenberg World Fellows Program
The Maurice R. Greenberg World Fellows Program is a global leadership development initiative and an important element of Yale’s ongoing commitment to internationalization. The World Fellows Program selects a diverse cohort of World Fellows to spend four months together in residence at Yale University to grow intellectually, share knowledge, strengthen skills, and expand networks. Established in 2002, the Program now has a network of nearly 400 World Fellows contributing to their communities in 94 countries, connected to each other and to Yale. There have been five World Fellows from Brazil. Read more about the program.
Global Network for Advanced Management at Yale School of Management
Launched in 2012, the Global Network for Advanced Management (GNAM) includes leading business schools from diverse regions, countries, cultures, and economies in different phases of development. Representing a shift beyond traditional partnership models, the network offers unique avenues for innovative initiatives by providing a flexible and efficient platform for schools to work together and leverage resources that far exceed what any school could do on its own. GNAM’s member school in Brazil is FGV Escola de Administração de Empresas de São Paulo Brazil. GNAM member schools have worked cooperatively on a variety of projects that cumulatively have reached thou- sands of students. Through Global Network Weeks, students pursue intensive study at another Global Network school and gain exposure to new business environments. GNAM offers online for-credit courses that enable students around the world to learn from faculty experts and collaborate on team projects. Read more about the program.