Yale partnership with ShanghaiTech University fosters connections to expedite PPE donations
During the COVID19 pandemic, the longstanding connections between Yale University and its partnerships with Chinese universities have been reinforced and strengthened – and have also led to some immediate results to deliver needed medical equipment.
On April 2nd, Yale’s Office of Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) received a large donation of personal protective equipment (PPE) sent by one of Yale’s partnering universities, ShanghaiTech University (SHTech). The shipment included 5,000 N95 masks and 10,000 surgical masks. This equipment donation arrives at a time when these supplies are in the highest demand to protect Yale’s health providers on the front lines of fighting the pandemic.
Upon the safe arrival of these shipments, Fawn Wang, Director for East Asia at the Yale Office of International Affairs extended the university’s sincerest gratitude to all responsible for making this delivery happen so quickly. She noted that the donation was organized with the help of Yale colleagues Haifan Lin, Professor of Cell Biology and Director of the Yale Stem Cell Center. EHS’s Deputy Director Kevin Charbonneau coordinated distribution of the material once it arrived at Yale.
Yale’s partnerships in China – that include faculty and student exchange as well as joint research collaborations that go back many years – are providing important connections that foster decisive actions in a time of immediate need.
Read more about Yale’s partnerships in China
Read more about Yale and SHTech
Read more about examples of Yale’s international connections in action during the pandemic at the Yale Alumni website