Yale Institute for Global Health (YIGH) co-hosts forum on Novel Coronavirus

The Yale Institute for Global Health (YIGH) co-hosted a forum on the outbreak of Novel Coronavirus with the Yale School of Public Health and the Global Health Justice Partnership on February 6, 20202 in New Haven.

An informative discussion regarding the latest developments in the coronavirus outbreak took place, followed by a question and answer session. Participants in the panel discussion urged caution due to the many uncertainties surrounding the virus, stating that it is vital for officials to be clear about what is known and unknown when publicly sharing information. Panelists also addressed the epidemiology of the disease, its impact on public health, human rights issues and how information on such outbreaks is communicated to the public.

The forum was moderated by Saad Omer (Director, Yale Institute for Global Health, Professor of Medicine, Infectious Diseases, Yale School of Medicine, and Susan Dwight Bliss Professor of Epidemiology of Microbial Diseases, Yale School of Public Health).

Panel members also included; Ellen Foxman (Assistant Professor of Laboratory Medicine and lmmunobiology, Yale School of Medicine), Gregg Gonsalves (Assistant Professor of Epidemiology, Associate Adjunct Professor of Law, Yale Law School, and CoDirector, Global Health Justice Partnership), Nathan Grubaugh (Assistant Professor of Epidemiology, Microbial Diseases, Yale School of Public Health), Lisa Sanders (Associate Professor of Medicine, General Medicine, Yale School of Medicine, Emmy-award winning television producer,  and author of The New York Times Diagnosis column), and David Vlahov (Professor, PhD Program Director, Yale School of Nursing).

Read more about the forum at the website of the Yale School of Public Health.

For more information, visit the YIGH website.

The forum was recorded and is available to view online.