White House meeting focuses on follow-up to US-Africa Leaders Summit

Yale’s Janette Yarwood, Director for Africa and the Middle East in the Office of International Affairs, participated in a February meeting at the White House to follow up on the 2022 US-Africa Leaders Summit. The White House sought to discuss follow-up to the Summit and consult with Africa policy experts at universities and prominent think tanks on US commitments to expanding partnerships in Africa. Topics of discussion included food security, diaspora engagement, climate, gender equality, democracy, and security.  

Judd Devermont ‘04 M.A., Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for African Affairs at the National Security Council, was among the White House team. The discussion allowed leaders to address the Summit’s policy recommendations and plan future US-Africa collaborations. 

To watch highlights of the US-Africa Leaders Summit, click the videos below:

~~~   Learn more about the Summit by reading our previous story on the YATW website.