Welcome gathering for Brazilian students

A lively gathering for Brazilian students at Yale on October 27 brought together 50 students, faculty, and staff working on Brazil-related research and projects. The event was kicked off with welcoming remarks by Don Filer, Yale’s Associate Vice President for Global Strategy. He reflected on the history of the relationship between Yale and Brazil, which started in the early 1800s with some of the first international students at Yale coming from Brazil, and continues today with strong partnerships.

Thais Shepard, the co-president of Brazil Club at Yale, an undergraduate student organization of Brazilian students at Yale, also provided remarks. She highlighted the increasingly growing number of Brazilian students and scholars on campus and the importance of community building: “We hope to have more events like this and that we keep on strengthening all of these connections. It’s so amazing to have such a big Brazilian community here!”

The welcome gathering featured Brazilian food, including salgados and brigadeiros, and bossa nova by violinist Ayrton Coelho Pisco, a Brazilian studying at the Yale School of Music. The event was co-hosted by the Office of International Affairs (OIA), the Office of International Students and Scholars (OISS), the Council on Latin American & Iberian Studies (CLAIS), and the Brazil Club at Yale. View photos from the event, below.