Stuart Schwartz, Professor of History
Stuart Schwartz specializes in the history of colonial Latin America, especially Brazil and the history of early modern expansion. Schwartz is the author or editor of nineteen books and over 100 scholarly articles. His books related to Brazil include Early Latin America (1983), Slaves, Peasants, and Rebels (1992), A Governor and His Image in Baroque Brazil (1979), Implicit Understandings (1994), Cambridge History of the Native Peoples of the Americas, vol. 3: South America (1999), and Early Brazil: A Documentary Collection to 1700 (2010). His Sovereignty and Society in Colonial Brazil (1973), Sugar Plantations in the Formation of Brazilian Society (1985), and All Can Be Saved (2008) all received recognition for the Bolton Prize for the best book in Latin Ameri- can history in those years.
In 2000, Professor Schwartz was made a comendador da Ordem do Cruzeiro do Sul, Brazil’s highest award for foreigners, in recognition of his contributions to Brazilian history. He holds four honorary doctorates from Brazilian and American universities and an honorary citizenship from the city of Salvador, Bahia, and was inducted into the American Academy of Arts and Letters in 2012.
Read Stuart Schwartz’s faculty profile here.
Watch a video interview where Professor Schwartz discusses his career and the evolution of Brazilian studies at Yale here.
Stuart Schwartz, George Burton Adams Professor de História
Stuart Schwartz é especialista na história da América Latina colonial, especialmente no Brasil e na história da expansão moderna inicial. Schwartz é autor ou organizador de dezenove livros e mais de 100 artigos acadêmicos. Seu livros relacionados ao Brasil incluem Early Latin America (1983), Slaves, Peasants, and Rebels (1992), A Governor and His Image in Baroque Brazil (1979), Implicit Understandings (1994), Cambridge History of the Native Peoples of the Americas, vol. 3: South America (1999), e Early Brazil: A Documentary Collection to 1700 (2010). Seus livros Sovereignty and Society in Colonial Brazil (1973), Sugar Plantations in the Formation of Brazilian Society (1985), e All Can Be Saved (2008) receberam reconhecimento para o Prêmio Bolton para o melhor livro em latim História americana naqueles anos.
Em 2000, o professor Schwartz foi nomeado comendador da Ordem do Cruzeiro do Sul, o maior prêmio brasileiro para estrangeiros, em reconhecimento por suas contribuições para a história do Brasil. Ele possui quatro doutorados honorários de universidades brasileiras e americanas e uma cidadania honorária da cidade de Salvador, Bahia, e foi empossado na Academia Americana de Artes e Letras em 2012.
Leia o perfil docente de Stuart Schwartz aqui.
Assista a um vídeo onde o professor Schwartz fala sobre sua carreira e a evolução dos estudos brasildeiros em Yale aqui.