Pyun named director for Asia

Jieun PyunJieun Pyun has joined Yale’s Office of International Affairs (OIA) as the Director for Asia. Prior to arriving at Yale she held roles directing international leadership programs, driving a policy agenda focused on human rights and democracy, and designing and implementing academic programs.

Most recently, Pyun served as Senior Program Manager, Human Freedom Initiative at the George W. Bush Presidential Center where she directed its flagship global program to develop emerging leaders driving Burma’s democratic transition. Before this, she was the Communications Director at the John G. Tower Center for Public Policy and International Affairs and a Fellow of the Sun & Star Program on Japan and East Asia at Southern Methodist University. She has authored policy papers and contributed op-eds in publications such as The Diplomat and The Hill.

A native of South Korea, Pyun serves as a council member of the National Unification Advisory Council of the Republic of Korea and has focused attention on many urgent issues impacting North Korea. She is a Mason Fellow and holds a MPA from Harvard Kennedy School and an MBA from Southern Methodist University. 

At Yale, Pyun will be building on OIA’s work to support the university’s longstanding ties in China and outreach efforts throughout Asia including working with Yale faculty to help deepen Yale’s engagement in the region, developing partnerships, supporting admissions recruitment, building alumni networks, and expanding press and social media coverage. She will make regular trips to selected countries and will work alongside OIA’s team focused on activities and collaborations in Asia including adviser Fawn Wang, director for China Carol Li Rafferty, and associate director for China, Devin Lau. Both Rafferty and Lau will also continue in their roles with the Yale Center Beijing.


For more information about OIA, including contact information for Pyun, please visit the Yale and the World website.